Cristina del Rosso

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Added Apr 19, 2008

Awards/ Premios

1 premio Concurso Acrilex Santiago de Chile- Sao Paulo 2003
Medalla de Oro de Honor, de la Embajada de Brasil en Chile 2003
1ra mención en el Certamen de la Municipalidad de Vitacura 2004
1er Premio del Instituto chileno-japonés- Soc. Nacional de Bellas Artes, 21º Salón de Otoño Fall Santiago de Chile 2006.
Diploma of Excellence, 7th medial annual of miniature, Artaddiction Gallery, Londres, 2011.

1st place in Acrilex Award Santiago de Chile- Sao Paulo 2003
Gold Medal of Honor from Brazil's Embassy in Chile 2003
Vitacura City Counsel 1st accesit 2004
Chilean-Japanese Institut - Fine Arts National Society, 21rd Fall Exhibition Award Santiago de Chile 2006.
Diploma of Excellence, 7th medial annual of miniature, Artaddiction Gallery, London, 2011.

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